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Here, you can experience a breadth of ways to worship, whether you love music or prefer your worship quieter, whether you're pleased to hear the whispers of little ones or wish to worship with just a few, we believe you can find a home with us. The Episcopal Church is where traditional values are expressed through contemporary sensibilities.


Holy Communion of bread and wine is both the central and pinnacle act of worship in the Episcopal Church.  It is the sacred meal of the Christian faith and provides a foretaste of the heavenly banquet.  Baptized Christians of all denominations are invited to receive Holy Communion in this church, and we offer both wheat and gluten free wafers for those who need.  If a person is not baptized, or does not wish to receive the Sacraments, we invite them to come forward, cross their arms, and receive a blessing from the priest.


Sunday Service Schedule

8:00am Rite I

9:00am Adult Study Class

10:00am Rite II (with Sunday School)


Holy Eucharist Service

7:00am  Wednesday

Purple paraments
Hymn Board

About Our Worship

During the summer months (June through Labor Day weekend) we have one service at 9:00am and alternate between Rite I (traditional/King James language) and Rite II (contemporary language).  From September - May we offer two services:  Rite I at 8:00 am, and Rite II at 10:00 am.


Rite I does not utilize music and has a more somber, penitential tone to it.  Because we don't have music at this service, it is both quieter and shorter than the 10:00 service.


Rite II has music and is conducted in contemporary English while still honoring our ancient tradition.  We currently make use of a musician and use a digital music option that plays hymns through our organ system when the musician is not available.  We have a small contingent of children who attend Sunday school during the first half of the service and are always happy to quiz the Rector with a question from their lesson when they return for Communion.

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