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This section houses the sermons given by Fr. Todd Young by week. Click on the date to download the full document.  If you would like a printed copy, please be in touch with the office at 307-684-7529.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Easter 4B 2024

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, so named because on the 4th Sunday of Easter we always hear from John 10, the Chapter of shepherds and sheep.  Today’s selection is my favorite of the three, and one of my favorite passages in John.  Not only is this one of the selections for funerals, but it has a very inclusive tone to it.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Easter 2B 2024

Today’s gospel story spans a week’s time.  The first half takes place Easter evening.  The women (or woman) had gone to the tomb early in the morning only to find it empty.  This news spreads throughout the group of disciples and they are now secretly gathered together to talk about what’s going on.  While gathered together, Jesus miraculously appears and gives them John’s version of the Great Commission.  But Thomas, who is called “the twin,” wasn’t with them.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Easter Day  10:00am

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!                                            

The Lord is risen indeed.  Alleluia!


Today is a day of celebration.  Today is the day of Resurrection.  Today is the day all creation lets out its collective breath.  Today is the day Christ has defeated sin and death.  Today is the day we’ve hoped for – let us shout, “Alleluia!” to the Lord.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Easter Vigil 6:00am

 Are there any who are devout lovers of God?  Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival!

Are there any who are grateful servants?  Let them rejoice and enter into the joy of their Lord!

Are there any wear with fasting?  Let them now receive their wages!

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Good Friday 2024 6:00pm

Today is Act II of the Triduum.  Last night in Act I, we shared a meal, we served each other as we washed feet, then we betrayed and denied Jesus as he was arrested and sentenced to death.  That betrayal and denial is represented by the emptiness of the sanctuary.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Maundy Thursday 2024

Tonight is Act I of the Triduum – the Great Three Days.  Tonight we share a final meal before we begin our fast.  We shared a meal a few minutes ago, and we will share a final Communion meal in just a bit.  Tonight we also have the opportunity to wash feet.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Lent 5B John 12:20-33

Some Greeks want to see Jesus, so they reach out to Philip.  “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”  Philip then goes to Andrew, and they both go tell Jesus.  And then Jesus begins talking about his impending death.  At first blush, this seems odd at best.  Telling them that, no, he was sorry, he had a full calendar and couldn’t see them would have made sense.  But the response Jesus gives just makes you scratch your head.  This would be like Monica telling me there was someone in the office to see me, and I replied, “It’s time for the snow to fall.  For if one flake falls, no one pays attention; but if many snowflakes fall, they create a new heart and allow people to share resources.”  What?

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Lent 4B John 3:14-21

Today’s gospel story comes from the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.  The first part of that conversation is the whole “born from above” or “born again” thing.  And then Jesus begins referencing his crucifixion and the purpose of his incarnation.  As sort of an explanation for his crucifixion, he recalls the story of Moses and the infestation of poisonous serpents among the Israelites, which we heard earlier.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Lent 2B Mark 8:31-38

Last week on the first Sunday in Lent we heard Mark’s version of Jesus in the wilderness and his encounter with Satan.  I know people don’t like it when I do this, but . . . what do you remember about that gospel passage and/or the sermon?

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Lent 1B Mark 1:9-15

In the synoptic gospels – Matthew, Mark, and Luke – Jesus has a wilderness experience where he is tempted by Satan/the devil.  John doesn’t have a wilderness temptation story because he has a completely different viewpoint; but the other three do.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Ash Wednesday

Like it or not, we live in a world of social media.  Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Mastodon, and I don't know what all else, is happily taking in the lives we give them.  Photos of our kids and grandkids, pictures and snippets of us and our spouse, along with images of everything from our vacations to restaurant meals, all grace one or more of these social media accounts.  Some of these posts are fun, some are intentionally deceptive, and some are designed for self-promotion. 

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Last Epiphany B - Mark 9:2-9

Today is the Last Sunday after the Epiphany.  The whole season of Epiphany is based in revelation and manifestation.  From the wise men to his baptism to the calling of the disciples to the demons recognizing who he is, this season is designed to open our eyes to who Jesus is and how we can manifest him in our own lives.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Epiphany 5B - Mark 1:29-39

The Season of Epiphany is a season of revelation and manifestation.  All of our gospel readings during this season are geared to revealing who Jesus is and making that known.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Epiphany 4B - Mark 1:21-28

We are in the Season of Epiphany.  Over the past four weeks, what have you learned or what is something that has stood out to you?


by The Rev. Karen Walker, Deacon

Epiphany 3B

to be uploaded soon

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Epiphany 2B - John 1:43

Today’s gospel story is a story of evangelism.  When I talk about evangelism, Episcopalians tend to get nervous.  Maybe that’s because we think evangelism means going door-to-door telling people about the Episcopal church.  Maybe we think it means telling people the story of our spiritual journey.  Maybe we think we need to tell people why they need Jesus.  Or maybe we think it’s about telling people they’re going to hell if they don’t change their ways.

by The Rev. Todd Young, Rector

Epiphany 1B - Mark 1:4-11

Today is the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.  We always commemorate Christ’s baptism on the First Sunday after the Epiphany because this is part of the season of manifestation and revelation.

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