St. Luke's Episcopal Church is a place where all are welcome to experience the life-sustaining glory of God through worship and care. No matter where you are in your faith journey, no matter how long it's been since you've been to church, St. Luke's welcomes you. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are sacramental and worship-oriented, and we enter into the work of discerning God's call to follow Christ together.

St. Luke's Vision Statement:
To know and grow in Christ through education, dedication, and service.

We believe that all people are made in the image of God and are, therefore, worthy of love and grace. We strive to be a welcoming community for anyone who desires a closer relationship with God.

Buffalo, Wyoming is a small, vibrant town of about 5,000 people. Situated at the base of the Big Horn Mountains, outdoor activities abound year-round: fishing, hiking, hunting, and skiing to name a few.
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming

The Episcopal Church in Wyoming seeks to be God’s loving community throughout Wyoming and the world.
We are a diverse community consisting of 50 churches and faith communities, as well as four Wisdom Centers, that together are seeking to know, love and serve our Creator. We are committed to being an all-embracing spiritual home for everyone, where people come to love and be loved, to grow in faith and spirit, and to explore together the spiritual dimension of life through the person and teachings of Jesus. Our desire is to encounter together the living God, enabling us to live as God’s people in God’s world. We are deeply rooted in the Christian traditions of prayer, contemplation, spiritual exploration, aesthetic experience and loving engagement in both Wyoming and the world.
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming is one of over 100 national and international dioceses in The Episcopal Church, which is one of 38 Episcopal/Anglican Churches around the world that comprise the worldwide Anglican Communion, with more than 85 million members under the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury.